
#55: Flow States with Bobby Lyte by Joe

#55: Flow States with Bobby Lyte

We invited our friend Bobby Lyte to join us for an awesome conversation about flow states, focus, deep work, and fun. Bobby is a DJ, producer, software engineer, and the host of Flow State – a podcast to help you focus.

We discuss topics including the states of flow: Struggle, Release, Flow, Recovery; Engineering; Managing, and of course, Management.

"Should we be communicating all the time? Most workplaces today are essentially turning humans into message senders and receivers – which is terrible for productivity. We're trying to solve complex problems. We need to focus and stay in a problem space to solve those problems, and the work environments are not helping us get there." – Bobby Lyte @ 32:13

"Revisiting a previous thesis of mine that's been established in the show: Management…" – Brad @ 34:04

"Your lack of planning is not my emergency." – Joe Zap @ 38:06

"The temptation to multitask – I could get ahead a little bit if I just send this email while I drive and eat and read the newspaper at the same time." – Kevin @ 40:30

Bobby Lyte online:

Flow State – Bobby Lyte's Podcast to help you focus:

Other episodes of Entheogen referenced in this episode:

Matteson Perry:

Stealing Fire:

Julie Holland:

#54 Mitchell Gomez, DanceSafe (from Summer 2020) by Joe

#54 Mitchell Gomez, DanceSafe (recorded Summer 2020)

We were so honored to be joined back in Summer 2020 by Mitchell Gomez, Executive Director of DanceSafe, a public health organization promoting health and safety within the nightlife and electronic music community.

Mitchell is on the advisory council of both Psymposia and PsychSems, a Harm Reduction Consultant at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), and have sat on the CU Denver MURPAA (Master of Urban and Regional Planning Alumni Association) board, the Jefferson County Community Development Advisory Board, and the Denver Drug Strategy Commission Data Subcommittee. We recorded this interview in the summer of 2020.

Like many things in 2020 the airing of the show was postponed as we regrouped and refocused, and now we're psyched to be posting this long-awaited show. Hope you enjoy!

Also check out this great interview: 5 Questions for Mitchell Gomez - The Microdose.

044: Interview with Dr. Rosalind Watts, Clinical Psychologist in the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London by Joe

044: Interview with Dr. Rosalind Watts, Clinical Psychologist at Imperial College London
Joe, Brad, Kevin
Rosalind Watts photo.jpg

This is Entheogen. Elevate the Conversation.

Please support Entheogen by making a donation on Patreon. Become a Patron for as little as $1. Pledge just $3 or more, and get early access to new episodes, plus exclusive Patron-only features. Head over to and click on Support.

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It’s April 2, 2017, and we are talking with Dr. Rosalind Watts, Clinical Psychologist at Imperial College London, working alongside Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris.

  • Joe’s story of psilocybin on his first “date” with his now-wife, and psilocybin’s role in their engagement

  • The Couples Using Magic Mushrooms as Relationship Therapy

  • Kevin’s regular practice of taking psychedelic medicine with his wife

  • How Ros came to study psychedelic therapy after initially becoming disillusioned with the limits of talk therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression; her initial skepticism about psychedelics based on their negative legacy

  • The importance of the patient-therapist relationship

  • Some guidelines from one of the father figures of psychedelic therapy, Bill Richards: “We prepare people to welcome whatever they may encounter – no picking and choosing. Sometimes you have to go through the dark night to get to the top of the mountain and the sunrise. If the inner dragon or monster appears, look him in the eye – go straight towards him. If you look the monster in the eye and go towards it, ask it what it wants – there’s always resolution, transformation, and new knowledge. When you run from it, you get into panic and paranoia, like a typical nightmare – and then you say, ‘I’ve had a bad trip.’”

  • Although psychedelics including psilocybin tend to be considered non-addictive, there are examples of people using them habitually

  • Ros mentions some examples of people in the psilocybin study for depression giving up addictions and habitual behavior

  • To help fund this important research, visit the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London

042: Interview with Dr. Neal Goldsmith on Psychedelic Healing by Joe

042: Interview with Dr. Neal Goldsmith on Psychedelic Healing
Joe, Kevin, Brad

This is Entheogen. Elevate the Conversation.

It’s March 12, 2017, and we are discussing psychedelic healing with Dr. Neal Goldsmith.


  • Neal’s book Psychedelic Healing: The Promise of Entheogens for Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development provides copious discussion points for our conversation today.

  • Neal's therapy practice, and how his use of psychedelics has informed his practice of psychotherapy

  • Imago therapy

  • LSD is a tool: Charles Manson becomes more Charles Manson; Richard Alpert becomes Ram Dass.

  • The substitution of the eucharist as a proxy for the original psychoactive sacrament. Can we please go back to the active version? What are the consequences of inactive substitutes in religious ceremonies? How have alternative spiritual practices sprung up in the absence of sanctioned Entheogenic rituals?

  • George Carlin’s Modern Man.

  • Are we in the midst of McKenna’s Archaic Revival? Is this another way to internalize the unfolding ecological apocalypse?

“If we’re going to be post-post-modern, if we’re going to be integral, we can’t have a fight between tribalism and modernity. We can’t have a fight between spirituality and the material world.”

  • Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, breathing…

  • Deep breathing to expel carbon dioxide in addition to inhaling oxygen.

  • McKenna’s conjecture that it’s possible to get to the same state of consciousness that psychedelics provide access to, using meditation or chanting or drumming, but who has time for that?

  • What do you recommend to listeners who might be interested in some form of psychedelic therapy, present company included?

  • The dichotomy of tribalism vs. modernism: our human ancestors living naturally but for shorter time, vs. modern humans living longer but disconnected from nature. Spiraling up vs. retreating to tribalism.

  • Spirituality vs. science. The concept of rational mysticism. Einstein quote via Rick Doblin: “There's no real conflict between science & religion; there's a conflict between bad science & bad religion.”

Please support Entheogen by making a donation on Patreon. Become a Patron for as little as $1. Pledge just $3 or more, and get early access to new episodes, plus exclusive Patron-only features. Head over to and click on Support.

Find the notes and links for this and other episodes at Sign up to receive an email when we release a new episode. Follow us @EntheogenShow on Twitter and like EntheogenShow on FaceBook. Thanks for listening.

040: Checking in with Kirk Rutter, Psilocybin Research Participant by Joe

040: Checking in with Kirk Rutter, Psilocybin Research Participant
Joe, Kevin, Brad

This is Entheogen. Elevate the Conversation.

Please support Entheogen by making a donation on Patreon. Become a Patron for as little as $1. Pledge just $3 or more, and get early access to new episodes, plus exclusive Patron-only features. Head over to and click on Support.

Find the notes and links for this and other episodes at Sign up to receive an email when we release a new episode. Follow us @EntheogenShow on Twitter and like EntheogenShow on FaceBook. Thanks for listening.

It’s February 26, 2017, and we are checking in with Kirk Rutter, who joined us for Episode 025: Psychedelic Medicine Trials with Participant Kirk Rutter.


  • Kirk’s Organizational Upgrade
  • Ganesh Chant/Mantra (108 times)
  • Barack Obama’s “Fired up, ready to go
  • The zoo
  • Ecological mindset
  • Vegetarianism
  • Hanlon's razor
  • Burning Man changed Brad’s life